How many times will be measured and when?
A measurement period is two weeks, two times four days from Monday till Friday morning. During these four days, a time activity pattern will have to be followed. In total, we will measure 3 times 2 weeks during different seasons in 2010. In total, every volunteer will participate for 6 weeks, including 2 weeks in the summer period. The exact dates will be arranged in mutual agreement.
What does a measurement period look like?
On Monday morning/early afternoon the researcher will come by to install the equipment and start the measurements. From that moment on, the volunteer will follow the children's time activity pattern. On Wednesday morning, the volunteer will replace the empty battery packs for new ones. On Friday morning, the researcher will come by to pick up the filters. The time activity pattern will not have to be followed any more. We will leave the equipment for the second measuring week.
On the second Monday, the researcher will come by again to start the second measurement week. The second activity pattern, based on elderly people, will be followed. The rest of the week will elapse in the same way. On Friday, the equipment is collected.
The equipment
The volunteers will be provided with a backpack with a pump unit that measures particulate matter and a passive Ogawa batch that measures NOx. For the pump (900 g) two battery packs are needed that weigh 250 g each. In addition, a GPS logger will record the locations where the unit has been.
For the indoor and outdoor measurements (stationary), the same equipment will be used.